
Company address

Fresh Strategy Ltd liab. Co
Neuenburgstrasse 150
CH – 2505 Biel​

Contact person

Stéphanie Kioutsoukis
+41 79 680 86 90​

Commercial registry

Registered name: Fresh Strategy Ltd liab. Co / GmbH / Sàrl
Number: CHE-411.612.741
Competent office: Registry of commerce of Canton Berne ​


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Privacy Statement

Fresh Strategy Ltd. laib. Co ensures that the collection and processing of personal data are conducted in accordance with the requirements of article 13 of the Swiss data protection legislation. Fresh Strategy Ltd liab. Co treat personal data strictly confidential and does not release or sell personal data to third parties. In collaboration with our hosting providers, Fresh Strategy Ltd. laib. Co takes measures for the protection of unauthorized access, manipulations and data loss. ​
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More details can be found in our Privacy Policy.